Saturday, June 30, 2012


Despite my careful ministrations, my lovely Hibiscus tree did not survive it’s indoor  wintering. It’s bony branches reach futilely upwards, grasping for…? It is a stark grey skeleton that suggests failure.

Late Spring I planted Morning Glories in it’s soil & placed bamboo skewers for it to climb upon; soon the blossoms will yield Technicolor Joy.

I must be more like this Hibiscus tree; able to support a new way of being, a new essence which allows for thoughtful growth.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

This is my newest book, "The Blood of Kings", which took two full years of research to be able to write. I am adopted, was given up at one year of age to abusive Appalachian parents; I did not attend school some days because I had no shoes; went in the trash to recover food scraps for myself and my three younger sisters. Imagine the stun of shock to learn, after I found my biological family & began working on geneaology research, that I am directly descended from a long direct bloodline of  many generations of Scottish, French & German Kings, Queens, Dukes, Countesses, Princesses, Barons and even a couple of Emperors. This little book provides a concise peek at the royals who populate my ancestry, whose very names make me weep, understanding that finally I do belong to a family, one more extraordinary and wonderful than I could ever have dreamed. I invite you to preiview it...although I wrote it for my children & grandchildren, you may find it historically interesting too. It is proof positive that fairy tales DO come true~ :)