Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Rainy Days and Mondays---
This little work is part of an 8 painting series I did titled " Rainy Days and Mondays". I had in mind the Mammas and the Pappas, their song. Although the song talks about the melancholy of rain and that dreaded first day of the week, I really liked the lovely melody and the harmonies, and sort of transposed that into the colors I chose. I used a knife and an impasto gel which allowed me to achieve a great deal of texture.
I also employ special iridescent and duochromtaic oils, very price-y but worth the incredible mineral effect they give. If you change positions while viewing the work, the color changes also, from blue to blue-green, or from violet to pink, adds just an amazing dimension to the work.
I wanted to show that rainy days aren't always cold and bleak and grey, that there can be warmth in the rain, that the pit-pat-pit of rain drops is pure music, and inclement weather is beautifully atmospheric, lends to contemplation and serenity.
I always promised myself I'd never become one of those artists that paint the samed durned thing over and over, that I wouldn't get caught up in that obsession. For me and my world, there are just too many wonderful things to paint, to attempt, to prevent ever getting tightly focused onto one subject only.
There are those who'd say painting one subject repeatdely makes you excellent at it. I grasp that concept and even agree, but it just doesn't work for me too often. I'll do series of things, maybe 5 or 6, rarely more than that, and then I'm done with it, onto the next idea, the next challenge.
I think I have Artists's ADD. :):):) .
This 6"x6" work is done on a Gallery-Wrap canvas, a satisfying two inches deep. The sides are painted as well, extending the images around the sides, meaning no framing needed.
This work is 65.00 and may be purchased by emailing
I check my mail frequently and will process your secure CC or PayPal transaction asap. Shipping ( in USA) will be 9.95. International buyers email me with postal code for a shipping quote.
Thanks for taking time to look, and hoping you can enjoy some rainy days of your own !!
"The next time it begins to rain, try to forget what your Mother told you about "catching your death of cold", lie down on your belly, nestlke your chin in the grass and get a frog's-eye view of how raindrops fall....raindrops make the blades of grass bend down, then the blade pops back up again....the sight of hundreds of blades of grass bowing down and poppin gup like piano keys strikes me as one of the merriest sights in the world..." -Malcolm Margolin, The Earth Manual-1985
Friday, September 5, 2008
Figuring It All Out....
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Seneca The Younger said "All Art is but imitation of Nature". Well, at first blush that kinda teed me off when I read it, but then I re-considered. Are we not imitating Nature in the strictest sense, particularly when we create ?
In Nature, there are seasons necessary to creating,to bringing something new into the world. The crops lie fallow and dormant in winter; Spring renews growth, life shoots through the soil, upwards toward the sun; summer brings blossoms and then Fall, the Harvest. The creative process is very similar; we process our ideas and allow them to germinate ( Spring); we allow our ideas to manifest and burst forth, whether on canvas, paper or bronze, ( Summer); we complete the work and once again return to thought for inspiration ( Fall) and the finished work is sold or stored ( Winter).
Our relationships tend to have seasons also. The rush of new love, the deepening of understanding & intimacy, the getting-comfortable-with-each-other, and sometimes, sadly, the end of the relationship either through death or severing of ties. If we could but learn to see these changes in relationships as seasons which are natural as Nature herself, perhaps we could also develop more respect for the weight of the process involved in being a significant other in someone else's life; perhaps then we could all learn to make better ( more relationship-organic) decisions, behave more humanely and lovingly with each other.
Just a thought.
This $65.00 small work ( 6"x6") can be purchased through, or by emailing me directly. I check my emails daily, so you will get a prompt response. Thank you for taking time to share part of your day with me.
Warmly, Susi
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Oscar Wilde and Matters of Art---
...He said "Life has been your Art; you have set yourself to music. Your days are your sonnets".
I especially appreciate Mr. Wilde's observation because it mirrors my own belief that we make our lives a work of art...or not.Every thing you do, every decision you make, small and large, grand or infinitesimal, adds to the tapestry you're creating. I know from my own well-worn path, however, that it is easy to get lost in the quest and lose sight of the value of the journey.
It is important to have life goals, to have an attainable mission for not only each day, but for the long haul. When the quest becomes the sole motivator in your life, though, you are losing yourself incrementally; you are discarding the genuine articles that comprise the landscape of your life.
Sometimes it's about staying grounded, having an anchor that keeps you focused not just on the horizon, but on what's truly precious in your life. For some that may be your significant other or family; for many it may be your work. Sometimes it's as simple as picking up a tomato or a plum.
No, it really doesn't have to be an actual tomato or plum, but just in case you need one to help you achieve feet-planted-in-the-fully-present, here is one I recently painted. At the summer shows, I was amazed at how fast these little fruit and veggie studies got snapped up, almost as fast as I could paint them.
I don't think that was a coincidence. I get the sense people are working at trying to re-connect with the earth, with that which gives balance to the rush-rush-hurry-go of thier frenetic daily hustle. Little paintings like this, product of earth's yield and seasonal movement, seem to be reassuring, engaging because they are so familiar, yet seen in perhaps a novel way that illuminates new thought, renewed appreciation.
"There is not a single work of Art that has not in the end added to the inner freedom of each person that has known and loved it". ( Albert Camus)
I'd like to think that maybe these small works may have an aspect of precious-ness for you; allow you to focus, at least momentarily, on something fully connected to life energy, full of promise and the hope of renewal.
As always, you may purchase this and many others of my work at
all images and text copyrighted-Susi Franco 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Thoughts are things; they have a definite energy, a definite force all thier own. Most people reject this concept at first, but think of it this way: you may not know how a microwave works, but it does work and very effectively ! It doesn't require your understanding to do it's work. Thoughts have the same energy, the same capacity for functioning very efficiently, whether you understand their process or not.
The job will come to you, assuming you have kept positive thoughts, not allowed any "NO messages" or self-sabotage to creep in and keep you from right effort, and that you have consistently maintained positive energy in your thoughts on this goal.