Vibrant original works of art produced by an Internationally Awarded Artist and nationally-published Author. These lovely paintings and other works of Art can be found at, & for purchase.Thanks for taking time to visit Al Di La Farm & Studio by Susi Franco~
Hoping you find work here that speaks to you; it is my heart, my passion to paint and create, am happiest when I am in the act of creating. You can get a more detailed view of any of these paintings by clicking on the image. I am honored and very proud to have had my artwork selected for inclusion in the TV show, "Extreme MakeOver:Home Edition", their Warwick, RI project. I also have work hanging in 4 countries at present ( China, Spain, Italy and the U.S.). I won Honorable Mention in Beijing, China in '05 out of an international field, and Second Prize in Large Works, in Granada, Spain, late '06, also from a wide international field.
Through a copperative European art association effort, my work will be travelling to France, Brazil, Portugal, NY and Miami in the coming months. I maintain a healthy web presence ( you can "Google" me :) and exhibit both locally and regionally, usually weekly. My home website, provides more info on my shows and book signing schedules.
I was featured on PBS' Annual TV Art Auction in December, where both my painting and book were auctioned off, as well as receiving coverage in New England cable TV shows and newspapers. I was also honored to be included in a Rhode Island Monthly Magazine article in Nov '06. I am a member of the Rhode Island Council On The Arts/ Artist Directory and network with RI artists and artisans to produce RI shows. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to stop by, feel free to leave a comment if you care to.
Check out my book, "Angels With Stethoscopes" at, and it is a pleasure to have our paths cross. Come again sometime soon, I am back after a a long absence and will be adding new work often~