Thursday, April 26, 2007

Look Again

This is yet another gorgeous Rhode Island moment I captured when I lived in Saunderstown. I was walking down Boston Neck Road around 7:00 am on a brilliant Saturday morning, doing my physical therapy like a good girl. There is a road right after Casey Farms that goes all the way down to the water; the trees form a canopy over it. As I walked by that morning, this heavenly light was filtering through those canopied absolutely stopped me in my tracks. I scurried back home, got in the car with my camera and hustled back to catch the light before even a ray of it changed. That photograph was my reference for this painting.

I love that a locale that we have perhaps seen ( and overlooked) thousands of times before can suddenly become compelling, viewed from another perspective. The meditation for this painting is "The weed you curse today may tomorrow be a lilly" ( -anon). I have learned it is important to be open to the opportunity to see something or someone in a new way; it can become truly serendipitous. This oil on canvas is 11"x14" and has alot of knife texture built up in the trees. It also features luminescent oils, which have a deep, color-shifting pleasing mineral sort of quality. This work may be purchased at all work copyrighted 2001-2008 Susi Franco.

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