...It's just that I'm so taken up, every waking hour, with tending this amazing place I call 'home', absorbing every extraordinary item of natural wonder surrounding me...the long, dark purply-green shadows the birches cast in the afternoon...the reflection of bright blue light from the creek that meanders through the trees in the valley below my windows; the pinks, corals, magenta and lilacs of the setting sun....the tinkling melodically-pleasing chorus of the wind chime garden I have hung in the trees....the warm amber glow of my stove at eventide, the crickle-crackle wood makes as it is consumed by flame....the cacophony of honks as Canadian Geese migrate overhead, chattering directions to each other.....flocks of wild turkeys slowly parading across my property, apparently blissfully ignorant of thier potential for dinner.....the way the tender green shoots urgently push up through the umber soil in Spring, anxious to just 'be' in the world.....the dance of determined, busy hummingbirds as they swirl around the nectar feeder...the bloom of hot orange Hibiscus on the tree on my deck, delighting me with each new blossom unfurling....being one with my animals, feeling them enjoy their home and feel safe in it, the exchange of unconditional love flowing between us.....all these things take up a great deal of space, both in my grey matter as well as on my clock. None of these begins to consider the time spent fermenting ideas/creating out in my studio, which like Las Vegas, has no windows nor clocks, so I get lost out there often. :)
Having articulated all this, it is my hope that you, dear reader, will forgive me my immense lapses in attending my blog. :) I hereby vow to do much better in 2012. Meanwhile, enjoy some more snippets of life at Al Di La :
To further your understanding, I'm hoping you can appreciate these photos I took over the last year here at "Al Di La' Farm & Studios, images of the many small gifts this place awards me daily; these are images of that I am daily grateful for, many of my 'Favorite Things From 2011' folder, if you will....and I am wishing you a new awareness of your own favorite things, closely followed by blissful happiness and peace of your own. Most of these pix are of are things I made/created, dear loved ones, visits from family and so forth. I am especially in love with the flowers I grew and cannot seem to cease taking photos of them ( can you tell ?) .
I am also sharing a link with you which I sincerely hope you will take time to watch-----it will cost but a few minutes of your time and will likely bless you richly.
And believe me, it's all about the blessings. :)

Happiest 2012 to you~
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